Research Paper Conclusion –Top Considering Writing Tips

Research Paper Conclusion –Top Considering Writing Tips

Conclusion is an important part of any research study. Research paper conclusion is, of course, a challenging task. The plenty of information available on the topic makes it hard to write. Although it is hard to write a conclusion, but it is not impossible. You must know all the aspects of writing a research conclusion. It is necessary because it is where many students fail. They do not know what they need to write in the conclusion part of their studies. They start mentioning the results again in this part, which is incorrect. So, keeping this in mind, today’s article is about the points you should consider while writing research paper conclusion.

1. Which Tips Can Help You Write Conclusion of a Research Study?

Writing a conclusion for your dissertation or research paper can be difficult. Concluding, the research study means that you need to sum up all the information and provide a summary of it. Many students do not take this into consideration. They just take the results and mention them again in this critical section of their research study. Therefore, when writing a conclusion, you can consider the steps mentioned below:

Restate Your Research Topic 

Reading through tons of information can make your readers forget the research topic. The readers often forget the main theme of research. In this case, before starting to write a research paper conclusion, you must restate your research topic. It should not be longer than one or two sentences. This part of your conclusion should be clear and concise and only state the central research theme.  

Restate the Thesis Statement 

The next thing you should do in your conclusion is to restate the thesis statement. You can do this by revising the original problem statement. It allows the readers to return to the original research and think of conclusion in light of original research. Always remember that restating the thesis statement does not mean that you are allowed to write it word by word. You need to paraphrase the original statement in light of your conclusions. It means that it should be different from the one you wrote in the introduction part of the research paper. Its length should also not exceed more than one or two sentences. 

Summarise the Main Points

Writing a research paper conclusion is all about summarizing the results of your study. You should also do the same and summarise the main points. You need to discuss all the points in relation to the research topic. Also, you should not include any other information except the main results. Adding new information in the conclusion section is strictly not recommended. The addition of new information in conclusion disturbs the whole flow, and it can divert the attention of reader from main points. So, you have to be careful about it. The purpose of summarising the main points is to remind the reader about the importance of research topic. So, focus on key points rather than new ones.

Conclude Your Thoughts 

As you finish writing the research paper conclusion, you might create a call to action. This call to action will be the concluding thought of your research. It allows the reader to think about the research topic further and act based on that. In case of any issue, you can avail research paper help.

Avoid Repeating Points 

The research paper conclusion is short in reality. You do not have enough space to discuss all the points in a limited word count section. Therefore, use only the relevant points in your conclusion section and repetition of points.

Avoid Last Minute Information

The conclusion of a research is based on the research results. It discusses what is already known. Introducing last-minute information can distract and offend your readers. Therefore, it is always advisable not to discuss such things in the conclusion section.

Avoid the phrase “in conclusion.”, as it seems redundant. It is because the heading of this section is already telling the readers what this section is about. There is no need to repeat it in the text.

2. Which Additional Points Should Be Included in the Conclusion Section of a Research Paper?

The conclusions section is the crux of your research study. This section also marks a formal end to your study. The conclusion part follows a specific structure. You need to discuss only those things that are relevant to the study. Let’s see what you need to include in the conclusion section. 

Call for Action

You must talk about the call to action in the conclusion section. As you have done your research and know the results, it is time to take action. You should explain the solutions that the readers can use based on this research. It includes steps needed to implement particular policies or actions discussed in the research study. 

Explanation of the Benefits 

In the conclusion section, you can also mention the benefits of your study. Talk about how this study can be helpful in mitigating the problems discussed. You can also talk about the gaps that need to be filled in. The explanation of the benefits makes your research more practical. The readers understand its applicability well, and they will act accordingly.

Limitations of Study

As no research is perfect, so is the case with your research study. Every research has limitations, and your study would have some limitations. Therefore, in the conclusion section, you must include what can be done in the future. What can other researchers do to increase the validity of the research? The conclusion section must include an explanation of the limitation. By mentioning the limitation, you ensure the continuity of your research study, and it is a positive aspect.


Writing a research paper conclusion is a hectic job. Along with discussing all the points, you also have to be concise in your research work. The things mentioned above can help you structure a perfect conclusion section. Take these points as a checklist, and start writing conclusion.


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