How to Hide Likes on Instagram ( Iphone & Android )?

How to Hide Likes on Instagram ( Iphone & Android )?

Instagram is a great way to share photos with friends and family, but it can also be quite frustrating when you accidentally post something that’s not up to par. With so many people using Instagram, it can be hard to make a good impression without spending a lot of time on the app. However, there are ways to hide likes on ig post likes paypal (for both iPhone and Android) so that your posts will look better without all of the clutter. If you’re looking to improve your Instagram profile without sacrificing too much of your soul, check out these tips. You won’t regret it!

What You’ll Need

If you’re like most people and want to keep your Instagram account private, you may have been wondering how to hide likes. Luckily, there are a few different ways to do this on both the iPhone and Android platforms.

On the iPhone, you can go to your profile and tap on the three lines in the bottom left corner. From here, you’ll see two options: “Likes” and “Comments.” Tapping on “Likes” will show you a list of all of your likes, along with the amount of followers each post has. To hide a like, just drag it to the bottom of the list.

To hide a comment, just drag it to the top of the list. This will also hide any reaction or reactions from that comment.

If you want to hide all comments on a post, just tap on “Comments” at the bottom of your post and then tap on “Hide Comments.” This will hide all comments except for those from people who are following you (or friends of friends). Visit here for how to use social media marketing effectively.

On Android, things are a bit more complicated. You first need to go into your profile and tap on the three lines in the bottom left corner. From here, you’ll see two options: “Likes” and “Comments.” Tapping on “Likes” will show you a list of all of your likes, along with the amount of followers each post has. To hide a like or comment, just long-press.

How to Hide Likes on Instagram ( Iphone & Android )

Instagram is a great way to share photos and videos with friends, but it can be annoying when your friends like all of the photos you post. If you want to hide Likes on Instagram for a specific post, follow these steps:


1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.

2. On the left side of the screen, under “Posts,” click on the post you want to hide likes from.

3. Under “Likes,” tap on “Hide Likes.”

4. To re-enable Likes on this post, tap on “Show Likes.”

5. If you want to hide likes for all posts in your account, go to Settings > General > Privacy and select “Hide Posts From Following.”


1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.

2. Tap on the three lines in the top left corner of your screen (if present).

3. Underneath “Settings,” select “Likes.”

4. Tap on “Hide Likes.”

5. To re-enable Liking for this post, tap on “Show Liking.”


Instagram is a great way to share photos and connect with friends, but sometimes you just want to keep your privacy. Maybe you’re in a relationship and don’t want your significant other seeing all the selfies you take of yourself without makeup on or maybe you just don’t want them to see that particular post of yours that’s really important to you. In this article, we are going to show you how to hide likes on Instagram (for both the iPhone and Android) so that no one but you can see them. Happy hiding!


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